Post-Camp Scan Day

We are in Vancouver for scans and treatments following an amazing week where Sam joined in on activites at Ness Lake Bible Camp.

Colin C.


August 2, 2024

TL;DR Too long didn’t read (i.e. the short version)
  • It was an amazing week at home connecting with friends and family.
  • Sam joined in serving at Ness Lake Bible Camp.
  • We are now in Vancouver for a PET scan, various tests, and hopefully Sam’s next Nivolumab treatment.

Sam had an amazing week serving on the Ness Lake Team! Here Dave Horton presented Sam with a team shirt, and coveted Ness Lake button/awards.

I am currently writing in the dark as Sam is having a nap, waiting for his turn in the PET scan machine. I would be lying if I said that all of us are feeling great this morning. The reality is that scan days are always stressful as they mark significant chapters in Sam’s treatment. They mark significant pivot points where treatment plans are adjusted – either to keep going with the treatment regime or change it up. Perhaps today’s scan is all the more stressful as it is to determine if one of our last treatment options (immunotherapy combined with a new medication) is working or not. Additionally, being back in Vancouver and being under the watchful eye of our medical team is in stark contrast to the freedom, fun-living, and joy had with friends this past week.

An amazing week at home!

I am still stunned at how good this last week has been! Since my last post:


This day was a turning point. Most of this day and all of the days prior that week Sam had been feeling the effects of his immunotherapy drugs – generally wiped-out/lethargic and achy.

In the evening he had a return of energy and the Bandstra, Claus, and Cross families rearranged their plans and came over. We had a great summer evening in the back yard talking and playing games. Sam was especially encouraged receiving the care of friends.


Tina and I made it to church… well we made it in the door and then spent the time connecting with people. Sam slept in that morning but gave me a call asking to come greet people following the service. It was encouraging for all!

In the evening, Sam having heard from his friends the night before about how great working at Ness Lake Bible Camp was, he asked to go and visit – which we did. However, Sam wasn’t satisfied with visiting and by the end of the evening he had spent several hours working in the kitchen or wherever else he was able.


We figured that Sam would need a rest day – we were wrong! That afternoon Tina took Sam out to camp again where he worked, visited, and took part in cabin time with the kids!

That evening some of the church leaders came by to support and pray with us and for Sam – more encouragement.


I spent the morning at work – made it out to the forest. It was great to be there again. Also, to connect with my work-world people!

Sam was not going to miss out, and he was out to serve at camp again. Tina had expected to take him home at any point, but he stayed until late in the evening! He even had energy for the evening Safari game where leaders dress up as animals and the campers have to hunt them. He had an amazing time. Though a fall during the game resulted in us putting him in an air-cast. An x-ray, if needed, will be completed while we are here in Vancouver. This leg pain was all worth the experience of joining the team.


As a family, we focused on packing up to be ready to head south.

Sam was thinking he would have a rest day but having received an invite from camp to join in on activities, he was not going to miss out. That evening Sam, although hobbling with the air-cast, took part in work projects, discussion times, and then the end-of-week button ceremony where Sam was awarded two buttons. The encouragement definitely went both ways: camp leaders were so impressed with Sam, while Sam had his heart-bucket filled to overflowing.

From Dave Horton’s post:

Sam Chisolm earned his summer team shirt and both director pins (which does not happen ever)…

  • for serving others (through some physical pain) before himself
  • for going from a visitor to “what can I do to help.”

Dude helped with dishes, A team, camper supervision and more. We could not find enough for him to do.

Tina, Sam, and I have been so encouraged by these days that Sam had in camp. It was amazing to see him rise and have the energy to engage. Amazing to see the joy he had. A huge thank you to all of the Ness Lake Crew – thank you for welcoming Sam onto the team!


We got away from Prince George in great time. Had a great visit with family in Langley and then settled into the RMH that evening.

Looking forward

Today (Friday)

Will be a full day: PET scan, abdominal ultrasound (to check liver), bloodwork, and meetings in the oncology clinic. It is very likely that we will not receive scan results until after this long weekend.

This weekend

Hoping to connect with Nana and the rest of the family

Tuesday, August 6

Clinic at BC Children’s to review scan results and hopefully for Sam to receive his next dose of Nivolumab in his ongoing imnuno-therapy treatment. It is our hope that we can return home the next day.

Victories and concerns

  • It was an amazing week as Sam was able to join the Ness Lake Bible Camp team. He served, ran, talked - he got to be fully there!

  • It is scan day. Anxieties are high and we will likely need to live with them until after the long weekend.

  • Sam’s immune therapy plan has continued to move forward. Following three doses of Nivolumab Sam has not had any severe adverse side effects!

  • Results from the July 4th MRI indicated that the cancer mass in Sam’s chest has not grown!

  • Thankful that we can look ahead a little and that we can be home again!

  • We are thankful to the medical team here at BC Childrens’ Hospital who have explained things incredibly well and who have worked professionally and confidently. Your clear communication, compassion, and medical care give us great confidence.

  • We are thankful for the gift of a place to stay so close to where Sam is receiving his care. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has provided us a home away from home. This place is an amazing example of charity at work.

  • Thankful for friends who have chosen to meet regularly to pray for Sam. If you would like to join them talk with Beth H., Krista C., or contact the Westwood Church office.

  • We long for the day when Sam is free of this disease.