Scan results

Sam is tolerating the latest medications well and the latest scan results are encouraging.

Colin C.


July 9, 2024

TL;DR Too long didn’t read (i.e. the short version)
  • Happy Anniversary – Tina and I celebrate 28 years.
  • Pain management for Sam (again).
  • Sam is able to continue with the latest mix of medications.
  • MRI results indicate no growth in the cancer mass!
  • Other family challenges.
  • Going home!

It has been a week-and-a-half since my last post. Despite some challenges the overall picture is good as Sam’s body has tolerated the new combination of medications. In addition, the MRI scan showed that the cancer has not grown since the previous scan.


June 29th

We have had a few challenges since I last wrote – I am glad they are not all focused on Sam.

The last weekend of June was tough. Tina and I celebrated our 28th anniversary (love you Tina!) while visiting Nana in White Rock (the Frickers were away). Sam had received his dose of Nivolumab a week earlier and what we now know/remember is that it takes about a week for effects and corresponding pains to set in. One of the hardest things in this whole journey is to watch your child when they are in pain and to not understand what is causing it. Over the next couple days we were able to get his pain under control allowing to feel himself again.

Also that weekend, Nana Mary was having some heart related symptoms that gave us a scare – she seems to be good now.

To celebrate our anniversary, instead of going out for dinner, Tina and I chose to stay in and eat with our beloved Sam and mother Mary. It was a good evening, despite the uncertainty of everything going on.

July 6 - 8

In addition to waiting for these situations to resolve, one reason that this post is a few days late coming is that this past weekend I was laid flat. A head cold took all my energy for the better part of Saturday through Monday.

Current medical situation

Sam’s medical situation over the last couple weeks is generally good news!

First, Sam’s body is tolerating the latest mix of medications – specifically, Nivolumab and Ruxolitinib. The initial attempt to use Nivolumab, at the end of Feb., did not go well and resulted in lost time recovering from side effects (primarily liver inflammation). Currently, the combination of these two drugs seems to be working well – specifically, metrics related to Sam’s liver are stable and even in normal ranges.

Sam also had an MRI of his chest last week the results of which were encouraging. Though it is too soon to tell, or to relate the scan to the latest drug regime, the results indicated that the cancerous mass had not grown (in contrast to the previous PET scan). We are once again hopeful that the cancer can be held back/ controlled. The MRI also provided incredible details of Sam’s upper body and the medical team will continue to review this latest set of images to evaluate future treatment options.

Looking forward

It is hard to believe, but a pattern to life may be starting to emerge. We have learned (along with every oncology family we know) that we must be cautious in having plans as anything or everything can change at anytime. However, we are now starting to make plans with our medical team that extend beyond the next clinic visit. Given that Sam is tolerating the medications we are starting to look to the weeks ahead.

  1. Sam will need to be in Vancouver every two weeks to receive the dose of Nivolumab.
  2. Coupled with this approximately every four weeks he will have some sort of scan (likely alternating between PET and CT)

Sam received his latest dose this past Friday and yesterday’s numbers looked good.

Given that there is nothing to do here in Vancouver until July 19, we plan to head for home tomorrow!

Victories and concerns

  • Sam’s immune therapy plan is going forward. The medical team is keeping a close eye on Sam to ensure that he does not have any adverse side effects. Following two weeks of Nivolumab Sam has not had any adverse side effects!

  • Results from the July 4th MRI indicate that the cancer mass in Sam’s chest has not grown!

  • Thankful that we can look ahead a little and that we can make it home again!

  • We are thankful to the medical team here at BC Childrens’ Hospital who have explained things incredibly well and who have worked professionally and confidently. Your clear communication, compassion, and medical care give us great confidence.

  • We are thankful for the gift of a place to stay so close to where Sam is receiving his care. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has provided us a home away from home. This place is an amazing example of charity at work.

  • Thankful for friends who have chosen to meet regularly to pray for Sam. If you would like to join them talk with Beth H., Krista C., or contact the Westwood Church office.

  • We long for the day when Sam is clear of this disease.