Moving forward

Delays have passed and Sam treatment has been able to move forward.

Colin C.


June 28, 2024

Following a delay Sam’s treatment is now going forward.

Sam is on a new mix of medications that will hopefully slow the cancer and empower his immune system to attack the cancer. The two main immunotherapy drugs include:

We continue to be in Vancouver as Sam starts these treatments. We need to be sure that Sam can tolerate this new set of medications so potential adverse side effects are being monitored. The medical team also wants to keep a close eye on the cancer – a new scan of Sam’s chest is scheduled for next week (an MRI).

Victories and concerns

  • Sam’s immune therapy plan is going forward. The medical team is keeping a close eye on Sam to ensure that he does not have any adverse side effects.

  • We are concerned as cancer treatments have been delayed. The effects of GVHD caused fluid build-up around Sam’s heart making it unsafe to proceed with immunotherapy.

  • Results from the latest PET scan (June 12) are challenging. The cancer has grown. Though we remain thankful that it has not spread to other areas of Sam’s body.

  • Thankful for a great break at home and time to connect with friends and family! Thankful that Sam was able to connect with his friends and jump back into school work .

  • Thankful that the three new disease centers, treated using targeted radiation, have been removed (confirmed by April 5th PET scan).

  • We are thankful to the medical team here at BC Childrens’ Hospital who have explained things incredibly well and who have worked professionally and confidently. Your clear communication, compassion, and medical care give us great confidence.

  • We are thankful for the gift of a place to stay so close to where Sam is receiving his care. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has provided us a home away from home. This place is an amazing example of charity at work.

  • Thankful for friends who have chosen to meet regularly to pray for Sam. If you would like to join them talk with Beth H., Krista C., or contact the Westwood Church office.

  • We long for the day when Sam is clear of this disease.