Holding Pattern – Waiting

Checking in at clinic and waiting.

Colin C.


May 6, 2024

It has been ten days since we returned to Vancouver. Life has been fairly routine, even slow. We have we been checking in with the hospital clinic and so far the metrics associated with Sam’s liver numbers are going the right direction. This suggests that the liver is healing/ becoming less inflamed.

This week we have a few items on the agenda: a) Clinic check-ins; b) Ultrasound of the liver to verify that the non-cancerous mass there is either stable or improving; and c) PET scan (possibly). The PET scan is the big item as it will show us the status of the cancer in Sam’s body. Results of the PET will also strongly inform Sam’s next treatment(s).

This journey has been long and we are tired. This past weekend family facilitated giving me a break. Tina and Sam stayed with Mary and the Fricker family (Tina’s sister’s family) giving me almost 24 hours off. It was great to have that time without responsibilities.

Sam remains positive and continues to get stronger. Tina and I are glad to see this. However, we cannot escape feelings of needing-to-be-vigilant and anxiousness about what could be happening undetected – the results of the PET scan this week will be very helpful.

Victories and concerns

  • We celebrate that we were able to have a trip home. So good to connect with friends and family!

  • We celebrate that a year following the start of treatment, Sam is feeling the best he has ever felt.

  • Thankful that the original central mass is stable. Thankful that three disease centers, treated using targeted radiation, have been removed.

  • Ongoing immune therapy has de-regulated Sam’s immune system. Side effects are becoming dangerous as Sam’s liver is inflamed. In order to continue with the immune therapy drugs, Sam’s immune system needs to be brought back to a regulated state. Recent bloodwork suggests that things are returning to normal function.

  • We are thankful to the medical team here at BC Childrens’ Hospital who have explained things incredibly well and who have worked professionally and confidently. Your clear communication, compassion, and medical care give us great confidence.

  • We are thankful for the gift of a place to stay so close to where Sam is receiving his care. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has provided us a home away from home. This place is an amazing example of charity at work.

  • Thankful for friends who have chosen to meet regularly to pray for Sam. If you would like to join them talk with Beth H., Krista C., or contact the Westwood Church office.

  • We long for the day when Sam is clear of this disease.