A Break at Home!

We made it home! It was a quick whirlwind of a trip but we were able to get home!

Colin C.


April 28, 2024

Sam was a great copilot in our journeys north and then south

It has been a whirlwind trip back home. We connected with more people than we expected and yet missed too many of you. I hope you can forgive us if you were missed – we really have more love than we had time. Three days in the city was not enough but we were glad for it! It was also incredible to re-connect, even if just in-part, with the community that has been supporting us.

Travel log

The initial idea to travel was presented last Wednesday, April 17. However, actual travel plans were dependent on metrics on Sam’s bloodwork that would allow the medical team to decide if it would be safe for Sam to travel. Specifically, if Sam’s numbers were not good on the Friday, we check again on the Monday, and if they were not good then the trip would be cancelled. So to keep things flexible we chose to drive. As a family we have always done road trips and Sam was looking forward to this pilgrimage drive home.

Day 1 – Travel

Sunday, April 21

We got away from Vancouver at a good time. It was a cool cloudy day with some showers heading into the Fraser Canyon. We had a great early lunch at Horsting’s Farm near Cache Creek. In the afternoon we stopped to see Renee near Williams Lake. Refreshed and fed we travelled on arriving at my parents as the sun was setting.

We received a loving welcome from Mom and Dad and all of us loved seeing Sam reconnect with Buddy – his dog was crazy excited to see him! We were also able to catch the last two periods of the first Vancouver vs. Nashville playoff game.

Day 2 – Family


This was really the only day that we had any sort of plan which was to make family our priority. The earlier part of the day was spent with my parents and the evening with Tom, Margaret, Daniel and Alex. Good times connecting, talking, and playing games together.

Day 3 – School

Sam loved reconnecting with his friends at school and later at youth group!


We let this day be driven by Sam and how he was feeling – he was feeling good. Mid-morning Sam had a great idea of visiting his friends at school over the lunch break. It was so good to see him simply slip into life at the school. We ended up spending the entire afternoon there as Sam joined in to classes. Tina and I connected with staff and a number of friends as parents rolled in for afterschool pickup.

Day 4 – Whirlwind


Wednesday was more of a whirlwind. Sam had an appointment at the hospital pediatric clinic. This was our first connection with the Prince George team. Although they do not specialize in cancer treatment it was good to see how much ca be taken care of at the hospital back home. In the afternoon we squeezed in some visits with friends and dinner with the grandparents. In the evening Sam was able to attend youth group at the church!

Day 5 – Return to Vancouver


We had to head back to Vancouver. It was a great road trip. Sam is looking forward to the day when he can be the driver. In the meantime he watched the road and acted as a good copilot.

It was a great first trip home and hopefully our next one will be in the near future and with more days at home.

Next Steps

In the weeks ahead we are hoping to restart Sam’s immune therapy. This has been delayed as we wait for his immune system to come under control – bloodwork in Prince George suggested that Sam is headed in the right direction. Additionally, he will likely have another PET scan which will hopefully reveal good progress in this ongoing cancer battle.

Victories and concerns

  • We celebrate that we were able to have a trip home. So good to connect with friends and family!

  • We celebrate that a year following the start of treatment, Sam is feeling the best he has ever felt. We are incredibly grateful.

  • Thankful that the original central mass is stable. Thankful that three disease centers, treated using targeted radiation, have been removed.

  • Ongoing immune therapy has de-regulated Sam’s immune system. Side effects are becoming dangerous as Sam’s liver is inflamed. In order to continue with the immune therapy drugs, Sam’s immune system needs to be brought back to a regulated state. Recent bloodwork suggests that things are returning to normal function.

  • We are thankful to the medical team here at BC Childrens’ Hospital who have explained things incredibly well and who have worked professionally and confidently. Your clear communication, compassion, and medical care give us great confidence.

  • We are thankful for the gift of a place to stay so close to where Sam is receiving his care. The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) has provided us a home away from home. This place is an amazing example of charity at work.

  • Thankful for friends who have chosen to meet regularly to pray for Sam. If you would like to join them talk with Beth H., Krista C., or contact the Westwood Church office.

  • We long for the day when Sam is clear of this disease.