The current pattern

The activities of a ‘typical day’ for us.

Colin C.


May 16, 2023

Yesterday evening Kevin, my brother-in-law and soul-brother, checked in with me. With everything going on we kept it to a text-based conversation. He asked a simple question of how was today? I was going to write something simple, to say that it went well and I had to catch myself as I realized our normal here just is not normal. Generally, it was a good day, we are carrying on with the plan. Generally, it was a lower stress day. Below I refine and expand on my original text to give you a glimpse at how our days are:

Victories and concerns

  • Thankful for visits with friends and family

  • Thankful that Tina has had good food.

  • Concern for the current round of treatment. We are expecting side effects. To date, we have not seen very little. A little soreness in the mouth but this has been very manageable.

  • Concern for potential longer lasting and high impact side effects. These can include damage to bodily organ or secondary cancers.

  • Ultimately, we are concerned that the treatment is effective and that the cancer is removed entirely from Sam’s body.