Joy in all the small victories

Reflections on April 29th. A day full of small joys and victories.

Colin C.


April 30, 2023

Sam is not a fan of getting his picture taken – so you get the two of us. Love to you all.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning, my family is sleeping. It is true the last days have been challenging, our lives have taken a huge turn. There have been tears, and fears. Today as I write, I have to reflect on the grace given us. There is no denying it. We have been blanketed in the love of friends and family. Thank you all for your notes of encouragement, your prayers, your solidarity in our circumstance. Today, I can share joys!

Reflections on April 29

Thankful for victories

Yesterday was a day of grace, joy, and fun! As I reflect on the day, I am shocked at the contrast to the shock and challenges of the days prior. Yesterday was filled with many victories.

  1. We haven’t seen Sam have energy like this in over well over a month.
  2. Times sitting up.
  3. Concentrations levels to
    • Great visits and conversations with guests including: Shalom, a friend from PG; and his cousins Amanda, Chris and Mary-Joy.
    • Conquer Mario Kart tracks
    • Take in NHL playoffs
    • Read comic books
  4. He was hungry, and the cousins brought Wendy’s

Health and healing victories

  1. Sam’s PICC continues to function. This is a big deal. Blood chemistry is every four hours, and without the PICC it would mean needles for every sample. Today, needles to draw blood were not necessary.

  2. On needles. Sam gets a small injection every 12 hours. Our nursing team might be in competition to see who can deliver with the least pain. Of the last three needles Sam felt one, a bit; didn’t feel one at all; and was tickled by a third. Wow, if we can keep this pattern going that would be amazing. Happy for what we have now.

  3. Sam was able to complete the intake of his intense chemotherapy chemicals. If you have ever been in the health care system for more than a couple days you likely know the importance of … movements. Alex, Sam’s nurse, literally danced for joy as this health moment. The timing of this was critical to allow for the taking of the drugs. Also, if it had taken any longer Sam might have needed a yet another new IV.