Nana is here!

Tina’s mom arrives while Sam fights the flu

Colin C.


May 23, 2023

Although I am wiped out from a short night of sleep, I have joy. Sam is awake beside me acting himself. I do hope that he takes a nap later – but this is good to see. He has energy to play a game – something he simply has not had the concentration power to do. Last night had actually been a hard one. I am not sure it was the flu or other effects of the chemo but his sleep had been interupted and thereby mine was as well.

Reflections on May 22

Medically, yesterday was a day of discomfort. Sam had the flu, a result of the chemo taking out his immune system, and with this illness he had quite a bit of muscle pain. Blood tests also showed his counts were down again. In response, Sam received transfusions in the afternoon.

The highlight of the day was the happy reunion of Sam and Nana in the early afternoon! I had taken the skytrain out to the airport and we travelled straight back to the see Tina and Sam. Tina and her mom were also able to spend some good times catching up. Hopefully they are having a good sleep-in over at the RMH.

Concerns and victories

  • Thankful for Nana

  • The medical team here continues to be amazing.

  • The constant cancer concern. We will not know how the cancer has responded to this treatment for another week-and-a-half. Once the full therapy cycle is complete the team here will scan for changes.