Waiting and watching…

A day of waiting. Scheduled activities. Concerns and victories.

Colin C.


April 25, 2023

One week ago today, Sam went in for the X-ray that started the chain of events that has led us here. Time is warped for us; I expect this is a common experience for all of us in times when life is intense; where experiential time does not seem to link up with chronological time. Needless to say, life has been intense.

It is amazing the range of emotion that can happen as your child sleeps. Over this last week I have watch with joy and contentment as Sam slept peacefully, to another extreme filled with waves of fear and anxiety that he hasn’t woken up (yesterday). In the later afternoon yesterday, we stepped away from Sam’s bedside, where he continued to sleep, to visit with Cal and Tricia. My day was made when we got back, he was not only awake, but he was up and out of bed, sitting in a chair. This was sweet joy, relief, and peace. He spent the next 1-2 hours chatting with his Aunt and Uncle!

Needs, concerns and victories

  1. Still waiting for the cancer to be identified.
  2. Sam has a PET Scan scheduled for 8:15am tomorrow morning (April 26) at the BC Cancer Clinic. The medical team would to have liked it a little sooner, but all of us are willing to take it! Many thanks to the Drs. who pushed hard to get him in, we know that you have worked hard!
  3. Sam’s PICC, is working … enough. I can’t say that it is perfect, but it is all he needs for now – no additional needles have been needed.
  4. Many thanks to Sam’s nurses. A special shout out to Pam – your efforts with Sam made my day yesterday!
  5. Sam has had such a great attitude! Physically, he has not felt good, with fatigue and sometimes nausea. Mentally/emotionally he is doing really well. It is not uncommon to here him say This is great or I’m so happy. He knows he is where he needs to be; he is on a road to healing.