Clarity Needed

Our biggest challenge: the pathology team has not been able to determine the specific type of cancer – essential for ensuring the most effective treatment… Other items: On needles, victories, and comforts.

Colin C.


April 24, 2023

Reflections of April 23, 2023

Yesterday was a quiet day with challenges.

Cancer, but what type are we dealing with?

Yesterday morning, Tina and I spoke with Dr. Chang who has been taking the lead in Sam’s case. I was really glad to have this conversation, to know what Dr. Chang was thinking, and strategies going forward … but this one also hurt. The major challenge for the medical team is that they still do not know exactly what they are dealing with. This is a cancer, but the specific type of cancer remains unknown.

Given that there are unknowns around the type of cancer, there are also unknowns about how it will behave and potentially where it is. Sam needs to have a full-body scan, if an opening in the schedule at the BC Cancer Clinic can be found, and timing on this is essential. The scan needs to happen before treatment starts and the team can only wait so long (i.e. treatment needs to start this week).

On needles

Over the last month, Sam has not had a good time with needles. Really, I think we can all relate – getting a shot, or having blood taken, is not something any of us enjoy. Sam has taken them on, with blood test after blood test. To make things worse, as Sam entered the hospital system he had to have IV medications, many of which failed. In the last nine IVs he experienced six failed attempts, and three were initially established successful; of those one was accidentally pulled during surgery, one blew, and a last one remains. All this to say needles cause a level of anxiety.

Sam has had a number of days of grace. The PICC line provides easy access, but last night it stopped working, they could not draw blood. If it does not work, then drawing blood via needles will be needed. In a few texts last night, we asked for prayer for this.

Victories and comforts

  1. The small things really do matter! Many thanks to our nurse Pam who made sure that Sam was able to get into the shower today. He came out clean, refreshed, and feeling human!

  2. I didn’t finish the needle story:

    • The doctor changes the order regarding taking blood. So no need for blood last night!
    • This morning I came into the room at 4:45 and both Sam and Tina were full of joy. Sam had just had his blood taken, and no needles were used. The PICC line was working again.
  3. So where was I coming in from at 5:00am? We now have a home away from home at the Ronald McDonald House, where I had a comfortable, and mostly full night’s sleep.

Needs and concerns


  1. Firm diagnosis of the type of cancer. This will significantly inform treatment.
  2. PET scan to determine where this disease is and where it is not. Timing is essential on this – the sooner the better.
  3. That Sam’s PICC line would continue to function. Ideally, that it could also be used for treatment … either adjustments are needed or another PICC will need to be established as the current one is not ‘centrally located’ (not exactly where they need it to be).